I tried '-proxy-server=localhost:9050', '-proxy-server= '-proxy-server=socks5://localhost:9050', '-proxy-server=', and it did not output any error and gave me my initial IP. I thus try to add the proxy option when connecting the remotedriver with firefox: eCaps <- list("moz:firefoxOptions" = list( Ip <- remDr$findElements(using = "css", value ='b')Īnd I do get my IP. I use a standalone selenium java (selenium-server-standalone-2.53.0.jar), which work fine with regular RSelenium: here is an example getting the ip displayed on ipchicken library(RSelenium) Now I am willing to use firefox with RSelenium going through the Tor localhost on port 9050: State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port I had no problem in installing Tor following this tuto, and the command line wget -qO - echo do get me an new IP. You can also use it to avoid regional blocks on certain sites.I am trying to use RSelenium with firefox using a local proxy (Tor) on a linux machine. The stream of scandals revolving around the loss of Internet privacy have caused many users try to take steps to avoid the constant monitoring of their activity. The other is a modified and portable version of Mozilla Firefox with several special features to take advantage of this system. The first is its own control panel to connect to the Tor network which you will have to activate each time you want to surf anonymously.

The program modifies the way in which the information that you send flows through the network by providing a routing system that hides your data from your service provider, so that the pages you visit, your credentials, and your browsing history can remain anonymous.

The TOR project (The Onion Group) is an initiative sponsored by several altruistic information security experts, providing you with a system to protect your identity and anonymity while surfing the Internet.